Thursday, February 27, 2020

Learning Space

Learning space can affect a kids' performance. A kid needs a study area. Don't you think so?


Unknown said...

After seeing the process of you transforming this room into something beautiful. I have to ask, do you believe that having a room to study will help your children throughout their school years? I personally believe that things like this can have an affect, but the space and atmosphere of that which you put your children has a greater influence on there academic career. I would like to know your opinion.

Mr. Skarl said...

Thanks for reading my blog, Alex. It's a good question. The truth is that when I built this my boys were 7 and 10 years old and my wife, a 6th grade teacher, worked with them, primarily on their schooling. I built the room to show support to her efforts. She is much better at working with kids their age than I am. I'd like to think that I will be able to help them more as teens.

The room is also a place for her to craft. The whole project was a labor of love. I hope that comes through when the kids work there and understand my expectations that they excel in their studies is made manifest in this space.

It's equally, if not more, important to expose learners to learning opportunities, I agree. Our house is filled with books but I don't think books should be forced on kids. Bernard Suits describes a game as the voluntary undertaking of an unnecessary obstacle. I feel that reading should meet that definition. Emphasis on the voluntary. Every person must make the decision for themselves to devote themselves to their studies or to not. This room is one of my ways of letting them know my opinion.