Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Using Memes to Inspire Creative Writing

"When I bark do I really mean it, or am I barking just because all of the other dogs are barking?"

"When the master says 'sit' should I obey? If I obey does that mean I am a slave? Can there be happiness in slavery?"" The master doesn't like it when I scoot my butt across the carpet... do some liberties have to be abandoned to live in a civilized way?""When the owner says 'get your bone,' but it's a dog biscuit shaped like a bone, is that actually a bone?""Dog spelled backwards is God. I was bred by humans. Does that mean that humans are my God?""Do I have a soul?""Is the cycle of birth and death merely a pointless cycle much like chasing one's tail?""If my mouth waters when the owner rings a bell to indicate dinner is served, is the affection I show my owner to anticipate a scratch a conditioned act? Is affection simply a Pavlovian response?"What other memes could prompt creative thinking? Or, what other philosophical thoughts might a dog think?

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