Friday, September 10, 2010


After sharing the poem "Mistress Stella Speaks" from Tyehimba Jess' Leadbelly, and talking about the importance of biographical information (most students thought the poem was about a prostitute!) we experimented with writing a personification poem of our own. here are the directions, which I can't help but feel need tweaked. Nevertheless, some interesting stuff came out.

Follow these directions:
Choose an object (one of your possessions) to write about, write the name of the object at the top of a piece of paper.

Line 1: say something to your object
Line 2: the object responds
Line 3: Mention a color
Line 4: use a verb and a body part
Line 5: Mention a piece of clothing, ends with an exclamation point!
Line 6: Use a Simile
Line 7: 3-word alliteration.

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