Tuesday, April 22, 2008


So I painted the baby's room and put in carpet and put together the crib and all that. This was actually a while ago... I'm just getting around to writing about it though. I consider myself something of a paint expert. I used to work in a hardware store, and I sold paint and wallpaper. That was when I used to skateboard (see rad pic), so I wore a chain wallet and had long hair, but I knew how to match a paint with a border. Once someone asked us to match a paint color to the color of the sky. We didn't use computers or any of that garbage, it was all done by hand and eye, and anytime you added pigment you dried a sample and checked to see if it was accurate. For the color of the sky we just held it up until it disappeared. I liked working with wood stains the best though. I don't know why. Stains are semi transparent, so you had to know your wood and take into consideration the color the wood may bring to the equation. For instance poplar is sometimes green, so you may have had to add a reddish stain to counteract the green, or pine is yellowish, and so you may have had to add a drop of violet if you didn't want a lot of yellow... oak is often red, and green counteracts red, and so on. It's too bad the little place I worked closed. Support local businesses; though it's not always possible. Little hardware stores are being totally over run by the large corporate chains. I know people who work at the large corporate chains, and they do well there, salary and benefits, but I always think that shopping local helps to support someone's unique energy.

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